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The Ashland Volunteer Fire Company is seeking motivated and qualified individuals to serve the community with Hanover’s first and finest fire company. AVFC offers several incentives and provides training free of charge. If you are interested in learning more about joining AVFC, please contact [email protected]

Why Join Ashland Volunteer Fire Company?

AVFC offers a number of reasons to join. If you are motivated to serve your community, make new friends, learn skills and receive training that could lead to a job, or desire a challenge both physically and mentally, then AVFC is the place for you. As Hanover’s largest and oldest volunteer fire company, AVFC offers a fast paced environment to learn skills as a firefighter or EMS provider.  Serving at AVFC exposes you to the history and traditions of a volunteer fire company with the day to day experience of serving in a professional department.

Membership Incentives

Ashland offers a number of incentives that other fire companies in the county offer and a number that are exclusive to AVFC. Qualified volunteers in Hanover County receive:

  • A discounted personal property tax rate for their primary vehicle
  • Free basic firefighter training (FF1, 2, Hazmat Operations, and Mayday) 
  • Turnout gear and basic firefighting equipment
  • Line of Duty Death coverage and workers compensation coverage

In addition to the above benefits, volunteers with AVFC also receive:

  • Access to training and travel funds for further fire training
  • A yearly incentive program where members can earn funds towards purchasing personal equipment
  • Social functions such as: golf, cookouts, baseball games, and company dinners
  • Dinner at the firehouse paid for when on duty
  • Station uniforms, including pants and station boots when eligible


Firefighter training can be obtained in a number of ways. Those that already possess FF1, FF2, Hazardous Materials Operations, and Mayday can enter the system as a qualified firefighter and will go through field training before becoming cleared to operate as a firefighter. 

Those without firefighter training can still join as a non-entry member until the next fire academy. Firefighters in this category often participate in a volunteer fire academy, which can last 7-8 months and is held on weeknights and some weekends. For example, the academy may be held every Tuesday and Thursday, with weekend classes occurring every other Saturday. These academies are taught in Hanover County at the Harman Taylor Training Center. Members may also choose to attend another academy with approval from the company. 

Firefighter training is extensive and requires a significant amount of time and commitment. Please reach out to the company if interested to learn more about training requirements.

Membership Requirements

To be eligible for membership, a member must be screened through the Hanover Fire-EMS application process and approved by the membership of the Ashland Volunteer Fire Company. In general, members should be:

  • Motivated to serve.
  • Be able to provide approximately 12 hours of duty crew per week
  • Have no criminal background
  • Be physically and mentally capable of completing firefighter training
  • Meet all membership requirements of Hanover Fire-EMS

How to Apply

The application to join AVFC is the same application to join Hanover Fire-EMS as a volunteer member as linked below. A potential new member should complete the application found on the county website and select Station 1 at their desired location. This application is reviewed by volunteer leadership and administration from Hanover Fire-EMS. Either before you complete an application or after, a member interested in joining AVFC should also contact the company.

Once an application is received, staff with Hanover Fire-EMS will process the application and ask that volunteer leadership with the county setup a virtual meeting with the individual. Once this occurs, the individual will have a background check completed before proceeding to a physical examination. After the physical examination, the individual can either be issued gear to move to the field or sent to the volunteer company. 

All new members with AVFC coming from outside of Hanover Fire-EMS will be interviewed by members of the Membership Committee or the Board of Directors prior to their name being offered at the monthly company meeting. At the meeting, the membership will hear from the committee and the individual seeking membership before voting. AVFC reserves the right to deny membership to any potential new member who does not meet expectations or eligibility requirements. If approved, the member will be issued a New Member Guide and assigned a duty night.

If you have any questions about joining the Ashland Volunteer Fire Company, please contact [email protected] or call the station for more information at (804) 365-4901.

Can I Take Part In Ride-Alongs?

All people who apply for membership at AVFC will be required to ride along with on duty crews at least three times unless otherwise determined. This helps ensure that different crews review a potential new members conduct and actions prior to a decision related to membership. 

Anyone interested in joining is also encouraged to ride along prior to their application to see if the fire department is for them.

Ride alongs should dress in a collared shirt and long pants when riding the apparatus and follow all directions of the on-duty officer. AVFC does not recommend the ride along wear nice clothing as it may become dirty or soiled.

Can I Be An EMS-Only Member with AVFC?

AVFC recommends that anyone interested in serving in an EMS only capacity contact the Ashland Volunteer Rescue Squad, which provides primary EMS coverage in the Ashland area. If a potential new member desires to serve with AVFC as an EMS only member, the company reserves the right to consider these on a case-by-case basis. EMS only members must already possess their EMT or Paramedic certification in Virginia prior to membership.

Link to Application:


Disclaimer: AVFC reserves the right to deny any application for membership as determined by the Board of Directors and the Membership of the Ashland Volunteer Fire Company.

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